Download Sex And Other Shiny Objects By Lauren Blakely Pdf Ebook

Download Sex And Other Shiny Objects By Lauren Blakely Pdf Ebook

Genre : Contemporary ,Books ,Romance

The second the test-the-sexy-scenes offer landed in my lap, I said yes.

After all, I've been damn curious about a few things I've read in romance novels. Do buttons truly go flying across the floor when you rip off a guy's shirt? Is staircase sex hella hot or does it leave you with a big old bruise mark on your back? And don’t even get me started on all that panty shredding, and whether it even works.

Time to find out as I embark on Project Sexy Scenes Research, at the request of my hotshot book editor bestie.

All I need is a willing scene partner. Enter Tristan, my best guy friend. The witty, tell-it-like-it-is, bearded hottie volunteers for the experiment.

He's also the guy who gave me the most devastating, toe-curling kiss of my life ten years ago. But nothing has happened since then.
And nothing will come between my panties and our friendship now since we have a plan to keep it PG.
But once the buttons start flying, all bets are off..


Marina Skinner

An epic best friends to lovers book!

What an absolutely fun and entertaining steamy story this was! I loved so much about it! Peyton and Tristan have been best friends for ages and when Peyton offers Tristan an experience he can't say no to...let's just say they are in for a steamy ride. This story may make you hot under the collar!! Oh Yes!!!! Peyton's friends are a hoot and she's definitely someone you want as your friend! Especially Tristan!! This book had everything you could want in a story. Great friendships, witty banter, denial, sizzling moments and all combined to make this such a fantastic read! Definitely 1-click or you are missing out! An epic best friends to lovers book!!


Shine Shine Shine!

This new series from LB is fast and fun and definitely very flirty! This book has the perfect balance of wit to romance to swoon. I devoured this friends to lovers that has a slight hint at second change romance as well in a day. They are total standalone novels and even if some characters from the previous books make an appearances, it won’t matter if you haven’t read them, or can’t place them, as each tale is purely centered on the leads on this book. I loved a confident and sassy woman but I adore her more when she has a sensitive or vulnerable side to go with it. Peyton is cultivated, has an education and is accomplished in all aspects of her life except with men. After one serious setback, she is on the market again. Tristan owns his own restaurant and is the guardian to his teenage brother whom he will do anything for. He is Peyton’s best guy friend, and can think of no one better to help her with her quests for her blog. Peyton discovers a few new things about her bestie in the process, one being he is a dirty talker. He also is a superb listener as well as a gift giver. He aims to please at all times. I feel like Goldilocks in saying I got just the right amount of angst to go with the rest of the storyline. Their coupling is not all smooth sailing and each needs to find that inner strength to fully and completely trust the other. I loved reading the epilogue and the hint of what’s up next.

Download Sex And Other Shiny Objects By Lauren Blakely Pdf Ebook

Genre : Contemporary ,Books ,Romance

The second the test-the-sexy-scenes offer landed in my lap, I said yes.

After all, I've been damn curious about a few things I've read in romance novels. Do buttons truly go flying across the floor when you rip off a guy's shirt? Is staircase sex hella hot or does it leave you with a big old bruise mark on your back? And don’t even get me started on all that panty shredding, and whether it even works.

Time to find out as I embark on Project Sexy Scenes Research, at the request of my hotshot book editor bestie.

All I need is a willing scene partner. Enter Tristan, my best guy friend. The witty, tell-it-like-it-is, bearded hottie volunteers for the experiment.

He's also the guy who gave me the most devastating, toe-curling kiss of my life ten years ago. But nothing has happened since then.
And nothing will come between my panties and our friendship now since we have a plan to keep it PG.
But once the buttons start flying, all bets are off..


Marina Skinner

An epic best friends to lovers book!

What an absolutely fun and entertaining steamy story this was! I loved so much about it! Peyton and Tristan have been best friends for ages and when Peyton offers Tristan an experience he can't say no to...let's just say they are in for a steamy ride. This story may make you hot under the collar!! Oh Yes!!!! Peyton's friends are a hoot and she's definitely someone you want as your friend! Especially Tristan!! This book had everything you could want in a story. Great friendships, witty banter, denial, sizzling moments and all combined to make this such a fantastic read! Definitely 1-click or you are missing out! An epic best friends to lovers book!!


Shine Shine Shine!

This new series from LB is fast and fun and definitely very flirty! This book has the perfect balance of wit to romance to swoon. I devoured this friends to lovers that has a slight hint at second change romance as well in a day. They are total standalone novels and even if some characters from the previous books make an appearances, it won’t matter if you haven’t read them, or can’t place them, as each tale is purely centered on the leads on this book. I loved a confident and sassy woman but I adore her more when she has a sensitive or vulnerable side to go with it. Peyton is cultivated, has an education and is accomplished in all aspects of her life except with men. After one serious setback, she is on the market again. Tristan owns his own restaurant and is the guardian to his teenage brother whom he will do anything for. He is Peyton’s best guy friend, and can think of no one better to help her with her quests for her blog. Peyton discovers a few new things about her bestie in the process, one being he is a dirty talker. He also is a superb listener as well as a gift giver. He aims to please at all times. I feel like Goldilocks in saying I got just the right amount of angst to go with the rest of the storyline. Their coupling is not all smooth sailing and each needs to find that inner strength to fully and completely trust the other. I loved reading the epilogue and the hint of what’s up next.


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